Linear systems of equations


  • A system of \(m\) equations in \(n\) unknowns can be written as





  • \(a_{1,1},⋯,a_{m,n}\) and \(b_1,⋯,b_m\) are constants while \(x_1,⋯,x_n\) are variables.
  • Example:



  • is system of 2 equations in 2 unknowns, or a 2 by 2 system.
  • \(x_1,⋯,x_n\) is called a solution to the system if it solves all equations simultaneously.
  • Example: \(x_1=1,x_2=2\) is a solution to the system above.
  • A system may have zero, one, or an infinite number of solutions. If it has at least one solution, it is called consistent (otherwise it is called inconsistent).
  • A system is called balanced if \(m=n\) , overdetermined if \(m>n\) and underdetermined if \(m<n\) .
  • A system called homogeneous if all \(b_1=0,⋯,b_m=0\) .