Constrained optimization


  • \(f\) is a real-valued continuous function of two variables on domain \(A⊆R^2\) .
  • The problem min/max \(f(x,y)\) subject to \(g(x,y)=c\) is called a two-dimensional constrained optimization problem .
  • For a two-dimensional constrained optimization problem the Lagrangian \(L\) is defined as the function


  • \(λ\) is called the Lagrangian multiplier .
  • First order conditions: Suppose that \((x_0,y_0)\) is a local interior extreme point of \(f(x,y)\) subject to \(g(x,y)=c\) . Then \((x_0,y_0,λ_0)\) must satisfy the following three equations:
    • \(L'_x\left( x_0,y_0 \right)=0\)
    • \(L'_y\left( x_0,y_0 \right)=0\)
    • \(g(x_0,y_0)=c\)
  • If \(x^*\left( c \right)\) and \(y^*\left( c \right)\) solve the constrained optimization problem for a given \(c\) then the composite function

\[f^*\left( c \right)=f\left( x^*\left( c \right),y^*\left( c \right) \right)\]

  • is called the value function or the indirect objective function .
  • \(f^*\) is differentiable then

\[ \frac{df^*\left( c \right)}{dc}=λ^*\left( c \right)\]

  • where \(λ^*\left( c \right)\) is the solution for \(λ\) for a given \(c\) .
  • We use this result to interpret \(λ_0\) as the approximate increase in the objective function \(f\) as \(c\) increases by one unit.