Introduction to commands in Eviews


  • Create a workfile. Example: wfcreate(wf=wf1) u 6 (unstructured, 6 observations)
  • Create a series with random numbers: series s1 = rnd
  • Create a series going from 1 to n: series s1 = @trend
  • Line graphs: s1.line or line s1 s2
  • Scatter plot: scat s1 s2
  • xy line plot: xy s1 s2
  • Create a scalar type: scalar c1
  • Assigning an element of a series to a scalar: c1 = s1(3) or c1 = @elem(s1,”3”) or c1 = @elem(s1,”2010:1”)
  • Operators and functions: Command and Programming references chapter 13
  • Show command. Example: show log(s1)
  • Special functions: @round, @mean, @sum
  • Normal distribution: @dnorm, @cnorm, @qnorm and @rnorm
  • Introduction to programs