Intermediate microeconomics
Chapter 3
Utility function
Demonstration of a utility function with its level curves
Preferences relation from utility function
Different utility functions may represent the same preferences
Cardinal and ordinal utility
Monotonic transformation
Utility function when goods are perfect substitutes
Utility function when goods are perfect complements
Quasi-linear preferences
Cobb-Douglas preferences
Utility functions representing Cobb-Douglas preferences
Marginal utility
MRS and marginal utility
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Utility function when goods are perfect complements
Perfect complements with consumption in pairs:
\(u\left( x_1,x_2 \right)=min \{ x_1,x_2 \}\)
Perfect complements generally:
\(u\left( x_1,x_2 \right)=min \{ ax_1,bx_2 \}\)