Price elasticity of demand - logs, units and elastic vs inelastic demand
Price elasticity and logs
- An alternative (and equivalent) definition of price elasticity of demand
\[ε= \frac{dlog q}{dlog p}\]
- Example
\[q\left( p \right)=c/p\]
\[log q\left( p \right)=log c-log p\]
\[ε= \frac{dlog q}{dlog p}=-1\]
Price elasticity and units
- \(q\left( p \right)\) is a given demand function
- \(dq/dp \) depends on units
- Elasticitites are unit free
- Example: \(q\) measured in [ litres ] and \(p\) in [euro]
- \(dq/dp\) will be measured in [litres]/[euro] or litres per euro
- The price elasticity of demand \(ε\) will be unit free
\[ \frac{\left[ litres \right]}{[euro]}⋅ \frac{\left[ euro \right]}{\left[ litres \right]}=1\]
Elastic and inelastic demand
- \(ε\) is price elasticity of demand
- If \(\left| ε \right|>1\) : we say that demand is elastic . If \(p\) increases by 1%, \(q\) falls by more than 1% (demand is price sensitive)
- If \(\left| ε \right|<1\) : we say that demand is in e lastic . If \(p\) increases by 1%, \(q\) falls by less than 1% (demand is not price sensitive)
Constant price elasticity of demand
- If \(q\left( p \right)=cp^{-α}\) where \(c>0,α>0\) are arbitrary constants then
- for all \(p\) .
- For \(α=1\) , \(q\left( p \right)=c/p\) and \(ε=-1\) .