Production functions: perfect substitutes, perfect complements and Cobb-Douglas production function
Perfect substitutes and perfect complements
- Two factors are perfect substitutes if every isoquant is a straight line
- Example:
- 20 Heavy oil 1 solid fuel
- 10 Light oil 1 solid fuel
- \(y=x_1/20+x_2/10\)
- Two factors are perfect complements if every isoquant is L-shaped where all corners lie on a straight line through the origin
- Example:
- 1 copper cable + 1 electronic circuit 1 red wire
- \(y=min \{ x_1,x_2 \}\)
Cobb-Douglas production function
- The production function
\[y=f\left( x_1,x_2 \right)=Ax_1^ax_2^b\]
- where \(A,a,b\) are constants is called the C obb-Douglas production function
- Example: \(y=100\sqrt{x_1x_2}\)