Econometrics HT 18

Chapter 7 : Random variables and distributions

By Lund University

We must understand random variables in order to understand the linear regression model.

Random variables and distributions

The most fundamental concept in probability theory is the random variable. We will not be able to analyze the formal definition of a random variable as this is very technical. However, we will be able to develop an understanding of a random variable and this is all we need. It will turn out to be useful to distinguish between discrete random variables and continuous random variables. Random variables are intimately connected to their distribution functions and this will be discussed in detail. Finally, we look at a specific random variable, the standard normal random variable. The standard normal has the well known bell-shaped density function.

Random variable

Distribution functions

Standard normal

Problem: The cdf function

Problem: The cdf function

Problem: The pdf function

Problem: The cdf function

Problem: The pdf function

Problem: Find pdf from cdf

Problem: integrating the pdf function

Problem: Find probabilities from the pdf

Problem: The standard normal